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We offer practical Solutions to ensure measurable and
time-bound business results for B2B companies.

Our Solutions

Bizwin’s Sales methodology is a unique combination of experiential techniques and tools. Most of these are not available in any book or any training.

We come in more as a “doctor”. We assess the health of your Sales and Marketing function using Qualitative and Quantitative techniques. Then we diagnose the root cause of your “ailments” and administer the right dose of our relevant Solutions. Still better, we stay engaged with you till you start seeing measurable improvements.

Our Sales consulting solutions enable you to win in both domestic and international sales.

You will be able to foray deeper into the matured US market and Europe market. At the same time, you will gain traction in developing India, EMEA and APAC markets too.

Silver Solutions

Sliver Solutions
Demand generation / Go-to-market Strategy
Sales Forecasting / Sales stage planning
Rationalization of Business development costs
Account Planning / Account management
Org structure and comp Plan
Metrics and Controls
Motivation / Reward & Recognition
When you need it
Inadequate leads. Slow Revenue. New offering
Inaccurate forecasts. Inconistent methods
Rising BD Costs. Dwindling profits
Dwindling wallet share. Rising service cost
Communication gap. Suboptimal performance. Low team motivation
Current ones are not effective indicators of business and individual performance
Slow Sales. Low drive and motivation
Primary Process
ValueQuest, Marketing Audit ARRC analysis. PENCILS model
Audit current method. Diagnose weak links
Effectiveness and Profitability analysis
Account Analysis Perception-Power-Priority Analysis
Efficency audit. Interface audit
Gap Analysis (As Is and To Be analysis)
Performance metrics audit. Efficiency analysis
Audit Report. Demand strategy Action Plan. Weekly monitoring
Appropriate technique and new tools & templates. Weekly monitoring
Revised Cost Plan, Budget, Action Plan. Weekly monitoring
Account Management plan. Account sheet. Weekly monitoring
New / Revised Org structure and Comp Plan
New / Revised Metrics and Scorecard Weekly monitoring
Motivation guideline. Reward plan
30% increase in leads in 4 to 5 months
Up to 90% accuracy in Sales Forecast
10 to 15% reduction in Marketing and Sales cost
Account dominance. Higher wallet share. Lower service cost
10 to 15% improvement in Goal setting, Performance, Feedback and Results
Superior Communication. Better Accountability and Results
10~20% increase in individual / team output

Gold Solutions

Gold Solutions
Sales growth / Go-to-market Strategy / Branding
Sales Process, Productivity and Effectiveness improvement
Skills improvement
When you need it
Slow revenue. Low market share. Rise in costs. Stiff Competition. Price pressure. Weak Brand. New offering.
Slow growth. Long Sales cycle. Low conversion. Suboptimal channels. poor performing product line or geography. High Account servicing cost
Slow growth. Long Sales cycle. Low conversion. Suboptimal channels. poor performing product line or geography. High Account servicing cost
Primary Process
I2I technique. Marketing Audit. SWOT & ARRC analysis. 6R analysis, PENCILS model, Brand building. BDEX360
Task Enviroment Audit. Process Audit. Profitability analysis. 3rd party tool suitability (CRM etc.)
Onsite Training + Monitoring, Measuring and Improvement
Strategy, Action Plan, Battle card, Channel Plan, Tools, Templates, Metrics, Iventory checklist, Cash flow, Scorecard. Weekly monitoring.
Sales stage planning, Communication Guideling, Action plan, Forecast tools, Templates, Metrics, Scorecard. Account plan. 3rd party tool (CRM etc.) implementation management Weekly monitoring
Training material. Weekly monitoring
30 to 60% in Sales in 12 months. Strong Channel management Better Brand vitality
20 to 30% increase in Proposal conersion rate in 4 to 5 months. Improvement in Average order size and Sales Pipeline velocity
10 ~ 20% increase in individual / team output

Platinum Solutions

Platinum Solutions
Revenue and Profitability Growth. Thought Leadership
When you need it
Slow growth. Poor customer satisfaction. Long Sales cycle. Low conversion. Suboptimal channels. Strong Competition. Poor performing product line or geography. Rise in cost. Loss of market. Weak Brand. New offering.
Primary Process
SAGE framework and ADVICE methodology. Marketing Audit. Salex model. SWOT & ARRC analysis. Brand building. 6R analysis, PENCILS model. 3rd party tool suitability (CRM etc.). Blue Ocean principles
Strategy, Revenue model, Action Plan Battle card, Channel plan, Forecast Tools, Templates, Sales stage planning, Metrics, Scorecard. Account plan. Communication guideline. Budget. Training. Weekly monitoring
30 to 60% increase in Sales in 12 months. Sustainable Competitive position Profitability improvement Brand vitality & stature Thought leadership